Friday, July 22, 2011

"Cool Candy"............

Do you ever have one of those days where you think that just by getting a haircut it will fix everything?  Sometimes it's true, and sometimes it's not.

I think it was middle school or early junior high when I woke up so frustrated and for some STUPID reason I agreed to let one of the "cool" girls at school cut my hair. Her name was Candy. She was the one with the most safety pins holding her pant legs tight together with bandanas wrapped around them.  You see her mother was a hairstylist in a very high class salon, so we figured of course she knew what she was doing.......another poor choice.  Live and Learn, luckily my hair grows fast.  

It was about this time my mom and I became the favorite customers of our local Avon Lady.  She would drop by a few times a month and bring us samples.  I was so into the blue and pink eyelids of the 80's.  I look back at pictures and wonder if I was the inspiration for Rainbow Bright?? 

I tried the Pat Benitar look ( Which consisted of lining your complete eye with very thick and very black eyeliner).  This lasted for only about 2 weeks til my best friends mom was kind enough to say " Dear, that eyeliner you are wearing makes you look cross-eyed!"  That ended that.   Back to pink.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Perms were all the rage.......

When I was about 14 we moved from the country into town.  Perms were all the rage.  I begged... I pleaded... so for my birthday I was sent off  for my first salon experience. 

 Nancy was to be my stylist.  She was pretty and looked very hip.  I was scheduled to have her full undivided attention for the next 2 hours.  I WAS THRILLED! 

 I pointed to a picture of a model in a magazine with large lovely curls. "This is it, This is exactly what I want!" I said. 

 After 3 hours of excruciating pain, burning sensations, and the most awful smell I had ever experienced I left looking much like our neighbors dog "Fifi" the French poodle.  SO NOT THE LOOK I WAS GOING FOR!!!  

"Never Again" I cried "Never".  Ya right, you forget, you go somewhere else 2 years later and oh wonderful, it happens again...... and again you vow never.....

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Old Lady Cat fights....

A few days ago I literally was standing outside the salon door trying to help break up a cat fight between 2 ladies.  One was 85yrs old while the other is in her early 90's.  I was trying to get my other 2 clients finished and the 90 yr old lady was waiting outside the door was getting impatient. The 85 yr old lady was walking down the hall when the 90 yr old started hollering at her " It's gonna be mine turn- so don't you even think about going in there!" A bit in shook Mrs. 85 says " No need to be yelling at me".  I cross my fingers that she will just keep going, but then Mrs. 90 sticks out her foot to try and trip Mrs 85. By this time Mrs 85 has had enough and begins ramming Mrs 90 with her walker yelling " Stop yelling at me, you leave me alone you old witch!"  Believe it or not this does not go over well....... Just as Mrs 90 starts to reach out to grab Mrs 85's walker she sees me approaching and sits back real fast saying " I wasn't doing anything- it's all HER fault."  Another staff member comes and escorts Mrs. 85 away while Mrs. 90 comes with me.
 It's all in another day of making people beautiful......
 at least on the outside......................