Wednesday, March 9, 2011

12 years ago today........

I guess officially it was the day before 12 years ago today, I was 3 days overdue with my first child. I had completed the nesting phase and couldn't cook, decorate or scrub 1 more thing. Bored out of my mind I decided to walk down to the salon where I was officially on maternity leave from since my belly was so big it was rubbing on my clients as I tried to cut their hair. Thankfully I lived only 3 blocks away so it was ok. I remember the look on my bosses face when I got there- she really thought I was going to give birth right in the salon. I chatted for a bit, then when the snow looked like it was getting heavier, they convinced me to go back home. I made a nice steak dinner for my Hubby and myself and finally excepted the fact that I was going to be pregnant forever...... 30 minutes later my water broke, and in the middle or the 10in snowstorm off we went.

It was one of the happiest days of my life, and what's extra special is that 2 years later, history repeated itself and we had our 2nd child on the very same day! They are the greatest sons any mother could ask for.


  1. I'm so glad to see you've joined blogworld, it's fun to get to know some of these things about you.
    How cool is it that your boys share the same birthday! One less date to remember for you!
    I also cut my hair when I was a young'un, and all three of my girls did too, but none of the boys... I guess it is a gender thing. I still cut my own hair and that is probably why the back is always a mess... :)

  2. Oops, guess I wasn't signed in when I posted that, this is Cindy. :)
