Friday, March 4, 2011

The Lady With the Red Chair:

The Lady With the Red Chair:

Some peoples lives are divided into chapters and others perhaps sections, mine however is more like snips and inches.

I have spent over 20 years of my life with a pair of scissors in my hand, trying to solve all the worlds problems in the amount of time it takes to give a good haircut.

I had no idea when I began this profession the effect it would have on my life. I am a Hairstylist, a Cosmetologist, a Beautician, and sometimes a bit of a magician.

I am the one who can make or break someone's day. I have listening ears & the non-stop gift of gab. I can talk to almost anyone about almost anything.

When you touch someone, literally touch someone, the simple act of running a comb and your fingers through their hair, well it opens them up. Sometimes more than you wish it would, but mostly just enough to share part of their life- and believe me, you leave your imprint of them too.

I am the Lady with the Red Chair.

I hope you will be touched with the stories I share.

1 comment:

  1. Very fun! The kids and I still talk about the wisdom you gleaned from a centenarian while cutting her hair for her triple-digit birthday party and hearing a secret to her long life: "Chickens don't have nuggets-so don't eat 'em!"
